Dr. Nitnavare has been practicing medicine for one year in the UAE at the Canadian Medical Center and for ten years in India at various trauma and medical centers. Her professional expertise lies in emergency and trauma medical services, as well as handling general medicine patients. In her telemedicine role, she is dedicated to diagnosing and
treating patients through virtual platforms, offering medical advice, managing chronic conditions, and ensuring continuity of care for those unable to visit healthcare facilities in person.
اختبر الرعاية الشاملة والرحيمة للدكتورة رشمي نيتنافاري في المركز الكندي الطبي. احجز موعدك اليوم للحصول على الرعاية الطبية المتخصصة التي تحتاجها.
الجنسية: هندية
اللغات: الإنجليزية، الماراثية، الهندية
لأية استفسارات ومواعيد، تواصل معنا.