Did you know – according to studies, about 10 million of the US population suffer from TMJ disorder?  However- the stats for the UAE are limited suggesting a growing awareness of this condition among residents.

TMJ disorder can badly disturb your daily life and affect everything from speaking to eating. If you are residing in Abu Dhabi, you might ask if can a chiropractor help with TMJ pain.

At medical clinics in Abu Dhabi, the treatment of TMJ with the help of chiropractors has been recognized enormously. It is becoming increasingly clear that chiropractic embraces an integrated analysis of those of you experiencing jaw pain and the ailments that cause it.

In this post, we will discuss how chiropractic procedures can help you get relief via TMJ treatment by a chiropractor in Abu Dhabi. So, without wasting our time- let’s discuss this in detail.


What Is TMJ?

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, and TMJ disorder is a general term for a group of conditions that affect the TMJ and the muscles that control jaw movement:


The temporomandibular joint is a sliding hinge that connects the jawbone to the skull. One joint is on each side of the jaw.

TMJ Disorder

There are more than 30 conditions that can cause pain, stiffness, and difficulty chewing. These conditions are also known as temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) or TMJ disorders.


Common Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

TMJ disorder or Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) can cause a variety of symptoms, including:

  1. Jaw pain: This is one of the most common symptoms, pain in the jaw joint or chewing muscles
  2.   Jaw Stiffness: With TMJ, you may also feel stiff in your Jaw
  3.   Limited Jaw Movement: You might suffer from Jaw Locking and limited movement.
  4.  Jaw Clicking or Popping: A painful clicking, popping, or grating sound may occur when opening or closing the mouth
  5.  Headaches: Headaches may occur, especially in the temples, under the eyes, or at the sides of the lower jaw
  6.  Earaches: TMJ can also cause you earaches
  7.  Neck or Shoulder Pain: Pain may occur in the neck or shoulder
  8.  Teeth Sensitivity or Clenching: Teeth may be sensitive, or the patient may clench or grind their teeth
  9.   TMJ Dizziness: TMJ-suffering individuals can also face Dizziness
  10.  Hearing Loss or Ringing in the Ears: Hearing loss or ringing may occur in our TMJ days.
  11.  Change in Bite: The way the teeth fit together may change

TMDs can be caused by several factors, including:

  •         Jaw or TMJ injury
  •         Genetics
  •         Psychological and life stressors
  •         How someone perceives pain
  •         Arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis
  •         Chronic teeth grinding or clenching
  •         Connective tissue diseases


Can A Chiropractor Help with TMJ disorders?

So, your question was – can a chiropractor help with TMJ pain and disorders? Yes, a chiropractor can help with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Chiropractic care provides a non-invasive TMJ treatment that can help relieve pain and improve jaw function. Chiropractors can use a variety of techniques to treat TMJ Disorder, including:

  •         Jaw Adjustments
  •         Soft tissue work
  •         Electrical muscle stimulation
  •         Exercise rehabilitation


Ending Note:

Yes, a chiropractor can assist you in dealing with TMJ disorder. Your temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is a group of bones, muscles, and disc tissues. These tissues actually work together to enable painless movement in your jaw. Sometimes, this system blows, and you feel discomfort in your jaw.

So, if you are looking for a reliable Chiropractor at a Medical Clinic in Abu Dhabi – don’t forget to visit CMC – Canadian Medical Center Abu Dhabi.



What will a chiropractor do for TMJ?

For your TMJ disorder treatment – your chiropractor might start with massage and e-stim therapy to loosen your tight muscles. After that, your chiropractor will stretch your jaw muscle with exercises for TMJ adjustment. Finally, they will adjust your jaw and neck joints.

Can a chiropractor put your jaw back in alignment?

Yes, a chiropractor can help you with jaw alignment or TMJ Adjustment. This will help you ease pain and loosen disturbed muscles to their proper position.

How many sessions of chiropractic for TMJ?

This completely depends on the complexity of your TMJ disorder. However, usually this treatment can go for 3-4 sessions.

How do I realign my TMJ?

Yes, you can also do it on your own—try to carefully and loosely shake your chin back and forth, aiming to relax and release your jaw muscles. However, don’t continue these exercises for TMJ if they cause more pain, and immediately consult your chiropractor.